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Floatify – Smart Notifications – Old Versions APK Download

Floatify - Smart Notifications - Old Versions APK Download

Keep your notifications floating without them bothering you

When you receive a notification, sometimes you can’t read the complete message, or the application you have open might close itself when you answer a call. Floatify – Smart Notifications is a simple tool that turns your notifications into totally customizable floating pop-ups that will appear on the screen without blocking your field of vision or closing any apps. In the pop-up, you’ll see the icon of the app sending the notification, such as a social network or email client, and will be able to read the whole message.

You can choose where on the screen this pop-up will show up, and opening or discarding it just requires a quick gesture on the screen. The system works the same for incoming calls: you’ll receive a notification of who is calling you in the pop-up window, and you’ll be able to choose to answer or not by moving the notification to one side or the other. No active process will be closed.

Floatify – Smart Notifications can be customized to work perfectly with all the best-known launchers thanks to its settings menu, where you can modify any aspect related to its use and appearance.

This is a good way to answer emails right away, or do any other quick or urgent action, as you can even view notifications when your phone is locked.

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