Tag Archives: apple

Apple Offers Another Apology… Well Statement Highlighting Samsung’s Galaxy Tab Did Not Infringe On The iPad

Apple got away with giving a half-assed apology before online and it has done the same in print publications. After the courts telling it to give its attempt at an apology another try online, Apple went ahead and created another version of its apology in the famed UK print publication The Guardian. As you can see above, Apple clearly outlines the facts that Samsung’s Galaxy Tab did not infringe on the iPad— though Apple doesn’t say sorry anywhere in its statement.

Apple told to rewrite its “Samsung did not copy” statement and keep it posted until mid-December

Remember when a UK court ordered Apple to post a notice on their UK website saying Samsung did not copy Apple’s designs? I’m sure it must have extremely tough for Apple to do that, but at least they complied, right? Well, maybe not. A UK court of appeals has criticized Apple for its choice of words, and the fact that the statement is hidden in a footer link on the website. That same court of appeals found that Apple is non-compliant with the court order.

(Video) Banned iPad Mini promo spot released on YouTube

Yesterday we reported on Amazon’s shot at the iPad Mini on the Amazon homepage via a comparison to the Kindle Fire HD. This came after last week’s big reveal of the iPad Mini by Apple. We now learn that a video exists that probably could be used by Apple to fend off the potshots and jokes floating around targeting the small tablet.

Amazon touts Kindle Fire HD over iPad mini, declares more bang for your buck


With the iPad mini announcement creating a surgance in Kindle Fire HD sales for Amazon, it’s not surprising that the company would take advantage of these record-setting figures by comparing its 7-inch tablet against Apple’s new 7.9-inch miniature iPad.